Buy stFLIP
This page outlines the process for swapping into stFLIP on a decentralised exchange. Please note, swaps are not currently live on the Chainflip network.
stFLIP Curve Pool
Here you can buy stFLIP directly from curve, without having to first buy native FLIP and stake it.
The stFLIP pool works like any other DeFi pool, tokens can be freely exchanged in a decentralised manner. After swapping into stFLIP, stFLIP tokens will accrue in amount due to the rebase mechanism.
The Chainswap bot facilitates transfers on the Chainflip network from the ease of your Telegram chat without having to connect a wallet. You can buy stFLIP or stake FLIP directly from the bot.
Please note, swaps are not currently live on the Chainflip network.
Before buying stFLIP, please familiarize yourself with how stFLIP works here.
Last updated